Who we are

The beginning
The C-HUB: Cybersecurity DIH – Cybersecurity Digital Innovation Hub was recognised by the Portuguese Office of the Minister of State, Economy and Digital Transition as a DIH on the 25th June 2021. The C-HUB is also is one of the European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) in Portugal granted with the European Commission’s Seal of Excellence..

The misson
The C-HUB aims to be a European reference for a neutral, fast and secure support to Public Administration and the private sector, in particular the local small and medium enterprises (SME), and small mid-caps, in the implementation of digital transformation processes.

The challenge
The C-HUB: Cybersecurity DIH – Cybersecurity Digital Innovation Hub it will support the digital transformation of the European economy and society and bring its benefits to European citizens and businesses.
What is the C-HUB
The C-HUB is a consortium composed by seven entities. Given the focus of the C-HUB and the characteristics of its members, the C-HUB has a national scope, and it is transversal to the various sectors. The multidisciplinarity of its members and its network, allows it to seek answers to local, regional, and national, or even international needs, and crossing the various sectors of the economy and society.
The consortium is specifically composed by:
Website | www.cncs.gov.pt
Website | www.ama.gov.pt
Website | www.c3p.up.pt
Website | www.inov.pt
Website | www.tice.pt
Website | www.pwc.pt
Website | startupleiria.com
Why we exist
The implementation of new digital technologies raised new challenges in the Cybersecurity sphere. Emerging technologies, such as 5G or Artificial Intelligence, and the diffusion of the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud information can be enhancers of an increase in surface and attack vectors, revealing themselves as critical areas that require special attention in terms of Cybersecurity. Therefore, the C-HUB was created to foster research and development, introduce Cybersecurity innovation in the digital transformation processes, supporting in this manner SMEs and Public Administration entities in their path to become more cyber resilient and cyber mature.
When to contact us
The C-HUB should be contacted when an organisation needs support in the processes of digital transformation, technology transfer, innovative processes, technology testing, security by design guidance, specialised services and technical expertise, focused on cybersecurity.
The C-HUB can be reached using the folowing contacts: c-hub@cncs.gov.pt / +351 210 497 400, or alternatively by direct contact with any of the members of the consortium.
Where we are
The services provided by the C-HUB will be available across Portugal and will be supported by the physical infrastructures of the partners that compose the Hub.
How we do it
The C-HUB aims to support the process of digital transformation, technology transfer, of SMEs and public administration by providing services, experimental laboratories and technical expertise focused on cybersecurity to foster the use of technologies and enhance their cyber resilience and maturity in a test-before-invest model.
The C-HUB: Cybersecurity DIH intends to aggregate services provided by the partners, complementing each one's offer with a set of new services available through the Hub and increase its geographic coverage, responding in a more integrated and multidisciplinary way to the needs of SMEs and Public Administration.
The C-HUB: Cybersecurity DIH aims to provide experimentation and demonstration activities, prototyping, certification, and technology transfer in Cybersecurity. These activities will focus essentially in areas such as incident response, intrusion detection, social engineering, industrial control systems, IoT, communication systems and networks, distributed systems and decentralised, cryptographic protocols, computer forensics, and blockchain. The C-HUB will also focus its attention on people’s empowerment and decision support by providing specialised training and awareness in the field of Cybersecurity to organisations.